Feis Fayre Flexi Pro Heavy Shoe


The best shoe on the market. Worn by virtually all of the current World and All Ireland Champion dancers.

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The Flexi Pro is essentially a heavy shoe but with untold flexibility. Years of experience led us to develop the first flexible shoe on the market. Wearing Flexi Pro means no blisters and virtually no breaking in time.

They come complete with our very own thunder tip and the Atlantic Bróg heels. They also have the white Atlantic Bróg shaped strap, which can be changed for boys or festival dancers if needed. These are without a doubt the best shoes on the market so far.

Additional information

Shoe sizes

Adult – 6, Adult – 6.5, Child – 11, Child – 11.5, Child – 12, Child – 12.5, Child – 13, Child – 13.5, Jnr – 1, Jnr – 1.5, Jnr – 2, Jnr – 2.5, Jnr – 3, Jnr – 3.5, Jnr – 4, Jnr – 4.5, Jnr – 5, Jnr – 5.5

Sizing Advice

From Feis Fayre on sizing:
"Although we would always suggest the dancer gets used to a pair of shoes, dancers have worn them straight from the box to the stage.  Due to their flexibility, we expect durability to be slightly less than older style heavy shoes. It’s impossible to put a time span on the life of the shoe, but we would recommend changing after 12 months whether or not the shoes are still fitting.

We recommend you order a half size down from the child’s normal shoe size, possibly a full size if you want them tight. The tighter you fit them, the more chance of them stretching out the back and over the heel. Although, we have strengthened the heel with a pop out material to guard against this as much as possible. If they are fitted too tight the heel will stretch out over the back especially if one foot is bigger than the other.  In these cases fit to the dancer’s larger foot, wearing a toe pad in the smaller one.  No more than half a finger length should be left spare at the toe as they will stretch.  However remember there are different width fittings so if the child is broad across the toes perhaps a wide might be more suitable. We recommend narrow for ONLY very narrow feet as standard are the usual fitting.

Shoes purchased online are purchased at the risk of the owner and as such fitting issues which may arise can not be the responsibility of Feisfayre. We are happy to give as much advice as possible and even look at photos or facetime whilst trying on but we always suggest getting sized at big competitions when we are present, so that the child is always comfortable in their current size and know exactly what to order.  Shoes can be exchanged as long as they haven’t been worn and are brand new.

Shoes will benefit from regular polishing to help keep the leather looking clean and new especially as tape can remove the upper coat of leather and leave the shoes looking scuffed.  A good quality polish on a weekly basis will help with this.

When taking the shoes off, we recommend opening both the laces fully and the straps so that the heel support and leather isn’t damaged by pulling them off."


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