Highland Dancing Shoes


Highland dance shoes are a hallmark of highland dancing. Not just any pair of highland pumps will do. With the right shoe for both country dancing and highland dancing, dancers can better perform precise foot movements, minimise shock absorption to cushion the impact on your feet during the routines and maintain a high level of comfort throughout both training and performances. As the fit of highland dance shoes needs to be snug, the preferred option is lace-up shoes rather than slip-on shoes as it provides a tighter and more secure fit. Dance Store Direct stock both junior and adult sizes of highland dance shoes. Check out our collection…

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Ezeefit Skins – Blister Protectors


EzeefitskinsTM are considerably softer and have much more stretch. They also has a microfiber interior (logo goes on the outside) which feels like silk against your skin. The new Skins material also provides a bit more padding than our current Ultrathin material, yet takes up no more room. The light gray color disappears under a sock.

Stays Put | The Original and Best Sock Glu


Ideal for dancers who find their socks slipping down during practice or competitions. Sock glue is a gentle roll-on body adhesive that washes off with water, leaving no stain. It is useful in any situation where clothing needs to be held in place, whether that’s bra straps, strapless dresses or theatrical costumes.